This Beautiful Ugly - Still here. Now what?
This Beautiful Ugly - Still here. Now what?
Dating after Loss - Why a Written Plan is Important - PT 2
Are you thinking about dating after loss? In Part 1 of this series Dr. Deb and Shar discussed how to know if you are ready to date. If you missed the first episode in the Dating After Loss Series, we recommend you listen to the last episode and then come back to this one.
"Am I looking for other people & places to fill holes, or where I'm really making a decision that I'm absolutely whole already whether I have a person in my life or not. The other one is rediscovering you doesn't equate to losing you." Shar
In this episode, we continue the conversation on dating after loss. The wisdom shared comes from Shar's own experience, as well as some advice from therapists & grief counselors. We discuss these topics:
- how dating is different now
- some of the things you can expect as you begin dating
- how allowing the process to unfold organically diminishes disappointment
- the power of being authentically you
- the power of boundaries & knowing your true north
- why having a written action plan for dating is important
- ideas for what to put on your plan
- how your kids fit in the plan
- and more
Resource: Relationship Values
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